Tag Archives: Toy Story 3

Award-Winning Movie Week


I sit here watching the Golden Globes. I most definitely stayed in this past Friday night solely so I could watch the Critics Choice Awards. This really is, the most wonderful time of the year.

This past year has been my favorite for movies. I like the fact I’m torn in nearly every award category for “Best…” And for The Parallax Review, we have to put together a top 10 list. And I literally have broken out into hives and having panic attacks when trying to narrow down my selections, so I can’t even begin to imagine sitting on an academy and voting.

There’s still a ton of films I need to see (The Kids Are Alright, Exit Through the Gift Shop and Animal Kingdom), so I feel weird even putting my list together, which is making me cram movies in during these past few weeks.

While I sit here hoping the awards season, I must say, there are some films from this past year that just made me fall in love all over again with the movie industry.

  1. The Social Network is just as good as everyone says it is. But the thing I really loved in this film, aside from the hilarious one-liners, was the score. Remember how the score of Up makes you sob in the opening scene? The score in The Social Network won’t make you sob, but it will fill you with the paranoia and excitement the characters in the film experience. Music is such an intricate part of today (I can’t remember the last time I was at work without my headphones in) and I love the fact it’s commanding more of a presence in movies.
  2. Wasn’t a huge fan of Black Swan, but there’s no denying how amazing Natalie Portman is in the film. She’s exquisite. She should win every award she’s nominated for, but the rest of the film is very blah.
  3. Toy Story 3 was the first film to make me cry while wearing 3-D glasses. Enough said.
  4. Underrated films of the year: The Town and Easy A. Do yourself a favor and see the silent, but deadly, Jeremy  Renner continue his reign of dominance in The Town and the hilarious Emma Stone scores an Easy A with her leading performance.
  5. The King’s Speech made me finally like seeing all of those terrible Harry Potter characters (the ones trying to kill Harry all the time). Helena Bonham Carter looks perfect in her turn-of-the-century look and Colin Firth still makes you want to marry him in this role

Alright, the Globes are getting good (and I should say, Mom and I watched Temple Grandin a few months back and it was amazing. Claire Danes should win), so I’m off to watch more of Ricky Gervais. He is fantastic.


Fun fact: 2011 will continue to be a year with movie magic. Got voted on to the Junior Board of the Chicago International Film Festival and Cinema/Chicago. Woo! Volunteering pays off

Review: Toy Story 3


So last night I was extremely fortunate in snagging tickets for Toy Story 3. The roommate was working, so I went through every single person I know in Chicago for a date. No luck. But alas, I could not simply sit at home and miss this, so I went alone. Despite the weather, I toughed it up and went on down.

The place was hopping with kids of all ethnic backgrounds and classes. It made me happy, seeing other families coming out, donating toys to Toys for Tots and being able to see this film in 3D for free especially with today’s movie prices. Upon entering the theatre, we had to surrender our phones, bags and all belongings, then get wanded down. I expected to board a 757 after that, instead, I sat down in the caution tape of  “Press Row.” I always get excited in Press Row trying to figure out who’s going to sit by me. Seeing as I’ve been fortunate to attend a few sneak previews in the area, I saw some familiar faces, but none more familiar than Mr. Roger Ebert. As a reviewer, he is an idol, a standard to reach.

Kids sat all throughout the theatre (Press Row was a few seats mingled in with the “commoners”), it was very reminiscent of the theatre scene of Peter Pan in Finding Neverland. Griffin in a tie-dye shirt was the lad in my area. A brief Toy Story trivia was held giving kids free E-books and then the film started.

Seeing this movie in 3D was unreal. I mean, 1 & 2 are “normal, traditional” and get the job done. But Pixar did it again with even the short in the beginning in the 3D format. Seriously felt like I could touch each and every toy in the box.

We get some new characters this time around (Ken and Barbie are obviously the fan favorites and rightfully so. I saw my perils of relationships plastered in all of their interactions) and have our usual gang of Andy’s toys. The premise of the movie is Andy is going to college, so he has to clean his room and put things in the attic. Like a true 17-year-old boy, he grabs a trash bag and puts the toys in, sets in the floor and plans on putting it in the attic eventually. Well, like a true Mom, she finds the bag and puts it on the curb. The toys see what’s about to go down, get out and jump in the box labeled “Sunnyside” for the daycare. Another adventure begins for Woody and the gang.

Woody takes on the persona of Andy throughout the movie. Andy chose Woody to accompany him to college (much like my Mookie bear), but Andy couldn’t part with the rest of the guys. You see him figuring out ways to get the gang back together again and into the hands of deserving and worthy children.

I won’t write too much more in fear of ruining anything, but every single character was fantastic. Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head provided a few giggles from myself (her roaming around with one eye throughout the movie is hilarious), Buzz Lightyear, while not a favorite in past, really stepped up his game and became quite caliente and of course, Ken and Barbie were just phenomenal together.

Got a little teary-eyed in the end with Andy’s last hurrah with the toys, which led me wondering what’s going on with all my old ones from yester years. This movie is one everyone can enjoy and cherish together as we’ve all been there, cleaning out the toy chest and saying goodbye to being kids.

Still Gotta Friend In Me


Totally blaming this on the recent weather pattern of the Windy City…

So after the hoopla of the Blackhawks Stanley Cup died down (a bit) and after the German smack down on Australia during the World Cup game, I found myself in a bit of a funk. Not like a full-blown “I hate my life!” funk, but more like “Sheesh Soltys, you’re about to embark on your 25th year and what do you have to show?” kind of funk. So naturally, I call Mum, who has just checked out of all communications after losing her cell phone last week. Then I call Kelly, who’s quickly boarding a plane from Vegas to STL after a weekend with 8 of our best friends from high school. So then I call Aubrey, my fellow squirrel head/Mufasa friend since the 7th grade.

Despite not talking to Aubs in nearly 2 months, we didn’t miss a beat. We briefly caught each other up and she filled up this buttercup with some good vibes. Then enter Mal. We’ve been a duo for nearly 17 years now. While we’ve had the ups and downs, like all good/great/best friends do, we always manage to find our way back to one and other. So needless to say, after a discussion with her(r), I felt so at ease and ready to take over the world.

But instead of taking over the world, I took over the living room and turned on the TV to find……..Toy Story 2. I’m sorry fates, could you have made it any more clear to me?

Buzz Lightyear: You still worried?
Woody: About Andy? Nah, it will be fun while it lasts.
Buzz Lightyear: I’m proud of you cowboy.
Woody: Besides, when it all ends ill have old Buzz Lightyear to keep me company. For infinity and beyond.

Literally, thank you Disney Pixar for yet again reassuring me that as you scroll through the contacts on a phone to call, you’re bound to find one (or two) who are ready to sit, listen and show that you’ve still got a friend, even though they’re old and dusty and used.

And after watching Toy Story 2, I am in complete disarray for this weekend to start so Mags and I can go and see Toy Story 3.